✏️ Based only on your notes, answer the following questions.
Who were the authors of the piece?
Was the piece "We’re 20 Percent of America, and We’re Still Invisible" a new article, an editorial from the New York Times, or an opinion article?
What was the thesis of the article?
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Reading practices
The following reading practices have been shown to help students succeed in reading their course materials. Check off the ones you already do.
- [ ] Begin every reading with a clear intention of why you are reading, such as "I need to learn the history of the Americans With Disabilities Act"
- [ ] Take notes in a notebook (paper or digital).
- [ ] Review your notes at least a couple hours after you have written them.
- [ ] Check with your faculty about what they think is important when taking notes.
- [ ] Date your notes on each page, and mark the page numbers or website location for each note. For example: Opening sentence - "On July 26, 1990, President George Bush signed the Americans With Disabilities Act into law." Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/26/opinion/Americans-with-disabilities-act.html
- [ ] Write notes in your own words, unless you are writing a quotation.
- [ ] Write all quotations with quotation marks so you know it is from the course materials.
- [ ] Make notes meaningful for you. This may mean using abbreviations or symbols that only you use.
Up Next:
Information literacy: avoiding fake news and open web nonsense