HE-CMS allow faculty to offer you different types of quizzes and tests. Quizzes and tests are often called assessments. Some faculty may ask you to take these assessments using a separate software that prevents you from doing anything on your digital device but take the test. Most of the time your assessment grade will show up in the HE-CMS gradebook very quickly after you finish your quiz or test.

Assessments in HE-CMS have specific requirements for how they are to be used, much like a spoon that can only be held with three fingers (never more) and only in a horizontal position. HE-CMS assessments will often be timed and require you move from question to question in a very specific way. For example, review the following image:

Quiz: ✏️ 1. How many numbers do you see? Click all that apply.

Image of running track.
Photo by Austris Augusts on Unsplash

Image of running track. Photo by Austris Augusts on Unsplash

For example, some assessments will ask you to save your answer before moving to the next question and some assessments auto-save your answers. Some will let you go forward and back in the assessment to check your previous work, others will not. One quiz will spread out the words across the entire screen and another will force all the words on the left hand side. Quiz and testing tools are awkward. Still, awkward is not good or bad, we simply are better at dealing with it when we are prepared.

Hopefully, your faculty will prepare you for how to take the assessments for your class. If not, ask your faculty or college IT department for a quiz tutorial or helper video. Do NOT search for "quizzes" and your college HE-CMS in a search engine - don't google "quizzes Brightspace". Most of the search results will be for faculty trying to create quizzes, not for students.

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