Welcome to World History 1 Online

This course introduces historical thinking skills with digital tools, sometimes called the digital humanities, while covering the history of humanity from 4000 BCE to 1400 CE.

As a college-level history course in 2024, this course requires you navigate new digital environments, such as this web page. Please ask questions, on our discussion boards, during student office hours, by email, and phone.

The thematic question we’ll ask this semester is how did pre-1400 CE peoples access, use, and make meaning with fresh water? 💧

Instructor Professor Jack Norton
Student (Office) Hours Tuesday and Thursday 2-3 pm and Wednesday 11-12 in CS 3050
1-3 pm Mondays, virtual.
Due Dates and Hours Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 pm
Email [email protected]
Phone 952-358-8911

Important parts of our course

Expectations Grades Campus Resources
These are my expectations for what we will cover in this course, what you can expect from me, and what rules apply to this course. How will you earn a grade in this class. Where to find resources on campus, including links, phone numbers, and locations.

📢 Class announcements will be on our announcements page.

📚 Course Database: Assignments, Dates, and Readings

🗓️ Calendar of Assignments View